(Ibrahim) 14 : 2
اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ ۗ وَوَيْلٌ لِلْكَافِرِينَ مِنْ عَذَابٍ شَدِيدٍ

Allah, the One to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and on the earth; and “Vile” from the severe punishment is to the disbelievers.

The abbreviated letters “Alif-Lam-Ra” means “I, Allah sees”. Adhikr is denoted as the Light in 32 places such as in 2: 257; 5: 16, 44; 7: 157 and 24: 40. The Light is mentioned in the singular, i.e. the single path of Lord-the Straightpath as explained in verses 6: 153. It is told in verse 24: 35 that, Lord is the Light of heavens and earth. So, whoever holdfasts Adhikr, he did holdfast Lord and is guided into the Straightpath as explained in 3: 101; 4: 174-175 and 5: 78. But darkness is mentioned in plural, i.e. the 999 paths of Satan-the ways to Hell. In each 1000, the 999 Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are following Satan’s path and are serving him as explained in verse 4: 118. Their ledger is in Sijjeen of Hell as told in verse 83: 7.

It is told in verse 16: 44 that, Adhikr revealed to the Messenger Muhammad contains previous 312 Books and their Upright explanations to explain mankind what is revealed into them and so that they may meditate and reflect. Adhikr is the only Ticket for returning to the Paradise as told in verses 73: 19 and 76: 29. Whoever hides Adhikr from mankind, he has been killed as explained in verse 10: 25. Without Adhikr-the Permission of Lord-nobody can become a believer as explained in verse 10: 100. Whoever from the mankind utilizes It, it is for his own sake, and whoever strays about It, it is for her loss; any Messenger, Prophet, believer or even the Impartial Lord is not a custodian or authority upon anyone as explained in verses 6: 104 and 10: 108.

The ‘Vile’ is the one valley among 7 valleys of Hell through which the hypocritical transgressors who hide and reject Adhikr will enter even without Trial as explained in verses 2: 79 and 4: 145. Their followers Mushriks will enter the Hell after Trial as told in verse 39: 71. Both are denoted as filthy as they consider Adhikr as filthy as explained in verses 9: 28, 95, and 125. See explanation 2: 213; 7: 37 and 13: 35.